You Have A Friend
Homelessness in Tweed Heads

  • Tweed Heads has the highest homeless rate per capita of any city/town in NSW
  • The Department of Housing waiting list for houses or units in the Tweed District is over  20 YEARS !!
  • 2006 and 2011 census recorded  Tweed Heads has the highest homeless rate per capita in NSW
  • In 2009 the NSW government allocated $69 million dollars to 'homelessness'. Tweed Heads was allocate just 1% of that money
  • There is no 'Crisis Accommodation' in Tweed Heads
  • Many single mothers and children are in desperate need of support, warm clothing and food in Tweed and surrounding districts.
  • There are children as young as one year old in desperate need of support in marginalised families throughout the Tweed
  • Many women and men sleep in their cars in the Tweed Heads district with no prospect of a job or accommodation
  • Between June 2008- 2013 over 20 homeless and marginalised people in the Tweed district have died. Many of those have died on the streeets. Of those 3 people over 30 years in age, have taken their own lives (2 women and 1 man)
  • In January 2011, there were more homeless women on the streets of Tweed Heads than men - only one of those was under 30 years old and 2 were in their 60s
What we are trying to achieve?
  • To obtain recognition that the homeless and marginalised situation in the Tweed district is serious and needs urgent government support
  • We urgently need Crisis Accommodation in Tweed
  • Tweed Heads has the highest waiting list for Supported NSW Accommodation. Mothers with children and older people are now waiting up to 20 years and more for Supported Accommodation in Tweed Heads
  • The NSW State government needs to recognise that Tweed Heads desperately needs support for the marginalised people of Tweed Heads.

All photos on this page are taken in the centre of Tweed Heads Australia - a major Australian holiday destination.
Home for two
Possessions stored for the day
Down and Out - Central Tweed Heads
Just nowhere to go!!
Did you know... as of Feb 2011, there are more women sleeping on the streets in Tweed Heads than men !
Click here for the ABC Report on Women
"Older women at higher risk of homelessness"

Link to the Australian Human Rights Commission website regarding "homelessness".
Heaven For The Homeless
John F. Montgomery

Is there a Heaven for the homeless
When we leave this earth below?
When our time on earth is over,
Will we have a place to go?

It's hell enough here below,
Living on what others give;
If God gives us a home in Heaven,
Then we'll have a place to live.

I can almost see us now,
Gathered there around God's throne;
Feeling very proud of ourselves,
Because we finally have a home.

What about all the others,
Who call us a bum
Laughing at us behind our backs,
And always making fun.

Isn't it true we're all the same,
In the eyes of God?
Then, you'd better be careful, friend,
Of the path you trod.

Think about those things you say,
And of the things you do,
Or you might find on Judgement Day,
That you are homeless too.