What we are going to achieve
- There are almost 1000 persons waiting for supported housing in Tweed Heads and most are single mothers and the elderly.
- Tweed Heads has a waiting list of over 20 years for NSW Housing Supported Accommodation.
- NSW Housing is only providing approximately 50 persons with accommodation a year. At this rate the waiting list will only increase.
You Have A Friend has started a petition to be presented to the NSW State Government requesting the following;
- Instead of providing millions of dollars each year to purchase accommodation for those on the waiting list, this money be used to subsidise those most in need on the waiting list; with rental subsidy support.
- $1 million dollars will purchase approximately 5 – 8 units/houses a year
- $1 million dollars will support 192 persons with $100 rent assistance each week for a year
- Rent assistance will dramatically reduce the Waiting List of those waiting (especially single mothers and their children )for supported accommodation.
You Have A Friend
Abandoned; but not forgotten
Abandoned; but not forgotten
Abandoned; but not forgotten
Is an initiative of
You Have A Friend
You Have A Friend
Abandoned; but not forgotten